richercleverer wrote in
Nov 03, 2008 23:45
I've suddenly been struck by the strongest craving for a few dozen of the cheapest and nastiest bottles of red wine and maybe a few bottles of flavored brandy - if there's any interesting blends. I suppose that'll keep me going for a while.
locke lamora
richercleverer wrote in
Oct 20, 2008 07:42
[ Filter: Matt]
Those blackberries you wanted? I have them. Should I bring them to your room once you have my payment together?
[ Filter: Public ]
It just hit me -- this place would really benefit from having a gambling house of some sort.
locke lamora
richercleverer wrote in
Oct 15, 2008 22:04
sfvn sdkfn ewalfn sdkofn eworhfrnwklf vnfvkmsd bfvjwakenfwoiehrqowrjqwopenfwsdkf vaspowqruie0q9qwyrwietgijwfbnsdklfnvas;kldfjqwioegteu
didshemean like this? Thisthingisosweirdandunnatural. What's wrong wi th us ing apenandpaper?Right. IFYOUAREOUTTHEREYOUKNOWHOWNOWIS THE TI ME.
locke lamora